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Live Data Table for Perpetual Future Funding Rates Across Multiple Crypto Exchanges

I’ve built a data table showing the latest funding rate for various perptual futures across multiple exchanges – including Binance, Bitmex, and FTX.

This is useful if you want to run low-risk basis trades or arbitrage based on the funding rate.

View the table here

It refreshes with the latest changes from each exchange every minute. Refresh your browser to see the latest rates in the table.

What are funding rates in perpetual futures?

Funding rates are payments made periodically between participants in a perpetual futures market. Perpetual futures never expire, which means that spot price and the futures price can diverge.

Funding rates help keep these prices in line.

If the funding rate is positive, longs will pay shorts the funding amount.

If the funding rate is negative, shorts will pay longs the funding amount.

You can go long on the spot market, and short on the futures market, and keep earning the funding rate if the rate stays positive.

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