Symbol Binance FTX Bitmex Highest Rate Highest Exchange Lowest Rate Lowest Exchange
Symbol Binance FTX Bitmex Highest Rate Highest Exchange Lowest Rate Lowest Exchange

What are funding rates in crypto perpetual futures?

Funding rates are payments made periodically between participants in a perpetual futures market.

Since perpetual futures never expire, the spot price and the perpetual contract price can diverge.

Funding rates help to keep these prices in sync.

If the funding rate is positive, longs will pay shorts the funding amount.

If the funding rate is negative, shorts will pay longs the funding amount.

How do I use this table?

This table helps you identify the exchange and perpetual future that is currently paying the highest or lowest funding rate.

This allows you to perform low-risk basis trades and collect funding payments reliably.


DISCLAIMER: This site is not affiliated with any of the exchanges. This information is not trading advice. We do our best, but this data could be unreliable. Check the funding rates with the exchange directly.