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How to Record Podcast Audio from Your iPhone or Mac for $150

For a new podcast project, I’ve done a lot of microphone, preamp, and digital recorder research. This guide and review shows you how to record podcasts and audio from your iPhone or Mac with one set of gear, and with the best bang for buck sound quality.

These were my requirements:

I was able to get this done for around $150 US (depending on Amazon prices at the time you order).


I’ll review each bit of podcasting equipment individually below, but here’s where I ended up after a tonne of research:

A quick note: this probably isn’t the cheapest overall way to record your podcast, but this is the best way that I’ve found to be able to record from both iPhone and Mac without having two sets of gear, and where each piece of equipment is upgradeable later on. You might be better served by an iPhone-specific microphone (which I nearly ended up buying) and a USB mic for your computer. If you have a setup that other people might like, let me know on Twitter and I’ll add them to this post.

I make Transducer, a Mac app for posting your podcast to Libsyn or SoundCloud. If this guide helps you, please consider giving it a download—there’s a 20-day free trial, and it’s only $5 after that.

Audio sample using the iRig Pro and Pyle PDMIC58

Here is an episode of my podcast that we recorded via Skype using the iRig Pro and Pyle PDMIC58. We were pretty happy with the sound quality considering that each host has very little room treatment. We found that this audio quality was comparable to (if not better than) another episode we recorded using a Rode podcaster microphone.

iRig Pro review for podcasting

The iRig Pro is a really flexible audio interface that lets you connect an XLR microphone to your iPhone or computer for a pretty reasonable cost ($135 on Amazon at time of writing).

Digital recorders, like the Zoom H4n, are the iRig’s main competitor, but those recorders don’t let you record to your phone (and only some of them can be used with computers). They’re also much, much more expensive than the iRig.



Overall, the iRig solves a problem that not many other devices are solving, and does it very well. I was pretty skeptical going into the purchase (no one seems to be using iRigs for podcasting), but I was pleasantly surprised. It’s not perfect, but it’s a good solution that fits my needs.

Pyle Pro PDMIC58 microphone review for podcasting

The Pyle-Pro PDMIC58 is a dynamic microphone that provides unfathomably good value for money, running at around $15 on Amazon. This is a purchase that comes via Marco Arment’s microphone mega-review. If you don’t have one, you’ll need a pop filter—I got this Shure one for like $5 that does the job. Another thing to note is that this microphone doesn’t come with an XLR cable. If you’re thinking of recording while walking around, I’d recommend a short XLR cable or getting some velcro zip ties to coil up the cord while on the move.



Overall, the way I’d describe the Pyle is that the build quality is what you’d expect for $15, but the sound is worth 4x that. This is a great value purchase, and it can be easily swapped out for a better XLR microphone later on. I’d even get one just as a backup microphone they’re such good value.

The best iPhone app for recording a podcast from your iPhone

I tried as many of the available iPhone audio recording apps as I could get my hands on. Most of them are bad to decent, but the best I found was Apple’s Voice Memos, which comes with the phone. For recording on the Mac with the iRig and Pyle, you can just use QuickTime—the iRig can be used like any other USB audio input, which is a great feature.



Here are the other apps that I tried:


With the iRig Pro for $135 on Amazon and the Pyle-Pro PDMIC58 for $15 on Amazon I was able to create a mobile and desktop podcast recording setup.

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💅 Vanilla – hide icons from your Mac menu bar for free
🚀 Rocket – super-fast emoji shortcuts everywhere on Mac… :clap: → 👏
Horo – the best free timer app for Mac
📂 FastFolderFinder – a lightning-fast launchbar app for folders and apps
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😄 Emoji Bullet List – easily emojify your bullet point lists (like this one!)

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