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How to Publish Jekyll Posts from Sublime Text 2

Publishing to a Jekyll blog—or any blog—from Sublime Text 2 involves setting up a Custom Build System, which you can read about in Addy Osmani’s post here.

Create a bash script of the git commands. I called mine publishJekyllPost, and saved it in ~/bin/ (you may need to symlink it to somewhere else—I forget how I got my bin set up). I also had to change permissions for the script, using sudo chmod 755 publishJekyllPost from within the ~/bin/ directory. The chmod value for the file needs to be 755—you can clarify this by running stat -f "%OLp" <file>.

git add -A :/
git commit -m "post"
echo "Pushing"
git push -u origin master

On the second line, add -A :/ ensures that all of the files in the git tree are added; you can adjust this as required.

Create a .sublime-build file in your ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/User directory. I saved this file as Jekyll.sublime-build.

  "cmd": ["publishJekyllPost"]

Select the build system for your Markdown documents by choosing it in the menu bar: Tools -> Build System -> Jekyll. Run the Build with CMD + B, and you should see the output of a regular git push command in the Sublime console.

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💅 Vanilla – hide icons from your Mac menu bar for free
🚀 Rocket – super-fast emoji shortcuts everywhere on Mac… :clap: → 👏
Horo – the best free timer app for Mac
📂 FastFolderFinder – a lightning-fast launchbar app for folders and apps
📖 Kubernetes – my book on Kubernetes for web app developers
😄 Emoji Bullet List – easily emojify your bullet point lists (like this one!)

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